Volem internar-ho, però mireu què hi diu

al web de la National Gallery: (ep! i si aconsegueixes entrada encara t'has d'esperar més del que t'has esperat abans per entrar a l'hora que indica el bitllet. El darrer cop que vaig tenir bitllet numerat, per Degas, jo tenia les 2:30 i la meua amiga (les havíem comprat alhora) les 3:30 i no ens deixaven passar juntes!

All advance tickets are now sold out

A limited number of tickets will be available to purchase in person on each day of the exhibition. However these are subject to availability and likely to sell out quickly

Purchasing tickets in person

  • Ticket sales and exhibition entrance open at 10am
  • Ticketing services close at 5.15pm (6.15pm Sundays, 8.15pm Fridays and Saturdays)
  • Please allow for up to three hours queuing time, and expect to wait for a further period of time between ticket purchase and entry to the exhibition

See full opening times

Tickets: Timed-ticket entry

About timed-ticket entry

Full price £16.00


  1. Juju.... ja sabem com ha acabat aixo... xo ha valgut la pena!!


  2. Ha vakgut molt la pena!! Quina feinada lectora has fet!


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