L'Oxford English Dictionary m'ensabona

Avui he rebut un sobret d'una amiga que ha pensat en mi. I és que es va trobar una entrada de l'Oxford English Dictionary que diu això (font: Reading the OED):

EUTRAPELY (n.) Pleasantness in conversation. The OED contains no definition as such for this wird; the editors instead rely on citations from earlier dictionaries. Most of these works seem to refer to eutrapely as "courtesy", but there is also a note that mentions the word was originally used by Aristotle to describe "pleasantness in conversation," a concept that has far fewer words to describe it than does courtesy, perhaos because it's such a rare quality.

T'agraeixo molt la troballa!!

Vegem què en diu l'IEC, que encara acaba abans:

EUTRAPÈLIA: Virtut que modera els divertiments.

I el primer exemple del DCVB sobre aquest mot ens remet a Eiximenis!

I sí, jo em vaig inspirar en els medievals per al meu pseudònim.
